Bring your own server

SembleHost provides evergreen docassemble hosting. We write articles about making docassemble hosting better. If you don't want to be bothered with the hassle of keeping your docassemble instance fresh, try one of our hosting plans.

I'm working on something interesting. What if you could benefit from the power of managed hosting but get to choose where you host your docassemble instance?

I call it the "Bring Your Own Server" (BYOS) option. This allows you to use your own server but have us manage it as part of the SembleHost network.

This basically allows you to get all the benefits of evergreen docassemble hosting while hosting where ever you want.

It will be super easy to get started. Just install and initialize our SembleHost management software, it will do a little public key exchange (cuz... you know... security) and you're ready to go.

If you'd like to take advantage of our BYOS option? Send us a message through our contact form.

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